Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Arranged Love"

Having received enough brickbats for the unsolicited city gyan, I thought I must switch streams. Also, the season of flying footwear that this has been, I decided that I need to be a little careful with my choice of topics. So here is the change, however a disclaimer first: People who know me well should not read between the lines too much :p.

I had been toying with this idea for quite some time until this funny facebook quiz happened. The quiz finally pushed me to go ahead with the idea. The quiz promises to predict if one is destined for a love or arrange marriage, needless to mention that the quiz has been an instant hit. Facebook quizzes have been notorious about the random results they throw up; however this one’s outcome is reason enough to believe or rather hope that it comes true.

Can love actually be arranged? I am sure that my readers are no strangers to this topic, after all Bollywood has churned out a zillion movies on the subject and has made each one of us a bit of an expert.

As things here in India have been, a marriage is first a union of two families and then a union of two souls. Arranged marriages have pretty much been the norm here and have astonishingly been very successful. I wonder how 2 young adults, in a matter of a few meetings, decide to spend the rest of their lives together. Or in fact how can two families quickly conclude that the boy and the girl are “made for each other”. Is it not too much of a gamble? What if the relationship fails to click, what if the two individuals are two opposite poles? It seems that we Indians have mastered the art of making adjustments and arrangements.
The statistics are certainly skewed in flavor of successful arranged marriages, however I still wonder Can Love Actually Be Arranged?


  1. hmm.. arranged love is the basis of maximum of our families.. that makes me believe.. may be it does exist... i guess u gt to try it out yourself to be so SURE!!.. he he he

  2. dude....a proper ending is missing...i see it left totally open..what about the love failing o click in a love marriage.?????
